Sitemap - 2024 - Love and Philosophy

Pattern Language, Christopher Alexander, and the Synergies of Place

Bonus Material: Love, Language and the Future of A.I.

Adaptive Resilience with Maria Santacaterina

Desirable Unknown: Exploring the Doughnut with economist Andrew Fanning

Disrupting Expectations: Existential Life and Love with Female Philosophers

The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map with neuroscientist Lynn Nadel

Thinking In Place with neuroscientist Richard Morris

Saving Yourself By Being Yourself with journalist Darryl Pinckney

Taking Math Personally with engineer Brandon Baylor

How the World Thinks with philosopher Julian Baggini

Any Human Power with author Manda Scott

Sometimes A Map is Its Own Territory with Mahault Albarracin

Memory and Navigation: Hippocampus History from the NYC perspective

I Am Because We Are

Can we model cognition?

What is Intelligence? Five Breakthroughs in Cognition with Max Bennett

Introducing the Honeycomb

Is anything objective? Philosophy of mind, Biophilia, and why A.I. is not what we think with Inês Hipólito

BrainGPT, Neuroscience & Loving the Ants in Ourselves with Brad Love

Bonus Past Episode: Asymmetrical Reconciliation with Iain McGilchrist

How do you want to be experienced? with Cari Taylor

Higher order math and love in medias res with Carlos Zapata Carratalá

The Art of Conversation with conversational curator Paul Holdengräber

Among the Superheroes with psychologist Lynn Nadel

An Economic Love for Humanity with Paddy LeFlufy

From Ants to Active Inference with Daniel Ari Friedman

Scaling Autonomous Self-Actualization with Timo Schuler

Love & Philosophy

Pattern, Meaning and Integration with author Jeremy Lent