Love and Philosophy
Love & Philosophy Beyond Dichotomy
Can we model cognition?

Can we model cognition?

And what is a model anyway? with Paul Kelly

Cognitive Models: Mechanistic and Dynamical Approaches with Paul Kelly

This episode delves into the philosophical and practical distinctions between mechanistic and dynamical models, highlighting their significance in cognitive science and climate science. Paul and Andrea also unpack the 3M principle, surrogative reasoning, and equilibrium models, emphasizing the role of models in scientific inquiry and their broader implications for understanding complex systems. Perfect for enthusiasts of cognitive science, philosophy, and anyone fascinated by the dynamic intersection of these fields.

#model #cognition #love #philosophy

Watch is in video on the Love and Philosophy You Tube Research Channel.

Find more about Paul and his work at:

00:00 Introduction and Disclaimers

00:43 Introducing Paul Kelly and the Topic of Cognition

01:41 Diving into Modelling Cognition

02:39 Philosophical Foundations and Definitions

07:06 Paul Kelly's Journey into Philosophy and Science

28:43 Mechanistic Models Explained

45:42 Debate on Mechanistic vs. Dynamical Models

46:49 Philosophical Assumptions in Mechanistic Models

47:43 Mechanistic Models in Neuroscience

50:02 Three Kinds of Mechanism

51:44 Mechanistic vs. Dynamical Systems Theory

01:03:20 Constitutive vs. Causal Explanation

01:06:33 The 3M Principle

01:23:37 Explanatory Power of Dynamical Models

01:29:49 Understanding AI and Neural Networks

01:30:31 Dynamical Systems Theory in AI

01:32:43 Mechanistic vs. Dynamical Models

01:34:26 Equilibrium Models in Science

01:38:01 Evaluating Models: Adequacy for Purpose

01:45:57 Model Integration and Transfer

01:50:32 Philosophical Implications of Models

02:00:17 The Role of Models in Practical Applications

02:01:39 Surrogates vs. Models

02:05:32 Language and Representation

02:09:04 Final Thoughts and Future Directions

For those who want to delve deeper, join Way & Lifeworld.

About this podcast:

Beyond Dichotomy started as research conversations & has expanded beyond my own academic pursuits towards noticing the patterns that connect across traditional divides.

When I started my studies, there was so much I wanted to explore that I was told I shouldn't explore because it didn't fit into this or that discipline, but having studied and worked in so many fields, those barriers no longer made sense. The same felt true relative to passions and love.

So I decided to open myself to all of it beyond traditional distinctions, towards learning and development. This podcast is where those voices gather together in one space as I try and notice the patterns that connect.

It's part of my life work and research, but it's also something I hope to share with you and to invite you to share your perspective and position. Thank you for being here.

Note: These conversations take place approximate 5 to 8 weeks before they post

Love and Philosophy
Love & Philosophy Beyond Dichotomy
Conversations in love and philosophy. Beyond Dichotomy. We explore research and ideas from the popular You Tube channel and its guests.