Is your Large Language Model (LLM) a real agent?
What is the big issue with the scientific incentive system?
And what comes after the collapse of modern industrial civilization?
These, among others, are the big questions explored in this week’s podcast with Johannes "Yogi" Jaeger, a freelance scholar and biologist-turned-philosopher, and guest host and researcher Fotis Tsiroukis.
Yogi does not hesitate to vehemently criticize, fire shots but also points towards an alternative direction for science and civilizational future in general. This is what makes for an incredibly stimulating and energetic discussion and I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
#paradox of #love and #agency
1. [00:00:00] Snippets
2. [00:02:10] Introduction (by Fotis)
3. [00:10:00] Yogi as a Natural Philosopher
4. [00:13:00] Critique of Modern Science
5. [00:14:30] Yogi’s Journey of Dissilusionment: from Molecular Biologist to Freelance
6. [00:20:00] The Problem with the Academic System
7. [00:25:00] The Need for a New Metaphysics
8. [00:28:00] Getting Back in Touch with Reality
9. [00:32:00] Postmodernism & Metamodernism
10. [00:36:00] The Danger of Technological Hubris
11. [00:40:00] Complexity Science and the Pitfalls of the Computationalist Wordlview
12. [00:45:00] The Illusion of Total Control
13. [00:49:00] The Misuse of AI
14. [00:54:00] Preping for the Collapse of this Civilization
15. [00:57:00] AI "Agents" aren't Real Agents
16. [01:05:00] The Illusion of AI Sentience
17. [01:10:00] The Free Energy Principle and Reductionism
18. [01:20:00] The Importance of Relevance Realization
19. [01:25:00] The Role of Relationality and Connection
20. [01:30:00] Tough Love for Humanity
21. [01:35:00] Closing Thoughts
Yogi critiques the dominant "machine worldview" that has shaped modernity, arguing that it has led human civilization to a dangerous "cliff edge". He advocates for a shift towards a process-oriented, relational metaphysics that emphasizes the interconnectedness of living systems and the limitations of computational models. Yogi also discusses the pitfalls of AI, the dangers of technological hubris, and the need for a new kind of science that reconnects us with reality.
The conversation touches on themes of agency, the limitations of a computationalist worldview and the importance of tough love in guiding humanity towards a more sustainable and meaningful future.
About Yogi and Fotis
Yogi aka. Johannes Jäeger like to fashion himself as a natural philosopher. After his directorship of the Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI) in Vienna he left academia for pursuing intellectual production independently. He is part of an science-art collective in Vienna called The Zone. His focus has been primarily focused on his book, Beyond the Age of #Machines, which he had been publishing incrementally in digital form. Fotis Tsiroukis is a cross-disciplinary researcher interested in the intersection between humanities, science and new media. Also a cyborg...
Johannes Jaeger Website
The Zone
More here:
#computationalism #notamachine
Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI)
Yogi's Theory Paper on Dynamical Systems
Link here to transcript.
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some real push and pull to this one!